58 - MotomasterBRONZE
Category: Automotive Products
Retailer: Canadian Tire
Country: Canada
Agency: Watt International

MotoMaster is a heritage brand for Canadian Tire. The refresh was done in order to reflect the automotive credibility, quality and heritage (80 years) of the brand.


  1. Brand id and packaging design conveys automotive credibility as a “better” brand that delivers quality and performance equal to comparable national brands.
  2. Packaging architecture clearly identifies key decision-making criteria and priority features and benefits to make it easy or customer to make a decision at store.
  3. Packaging communication allows for differentiation among products where important while maintaining a brand consistency.
  4. Transferability and impact of design elements across applications (use w/ sub-brands; on products across wide assortment; marketing communication; promotional messaging, etc.)

Results are not yet ready to be communicated. However, the new packaging is inspiring (beautifully shot photography), has a historical heritage factor to reflect the automotive credibility (logo redesign), great hierarchy of information for easy consumer decision making and shopping experience, and meets all the brand refresh objectives.

Brand Consultant: Daniel Gotlib
Brand Managers: Neema Shah, Unha Park, Efrat Idel
AVP: Anthony Wolf
Packaging Manager: Jeff Cowan
Packaging Lead: Norm Green

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