
  • RETAILER: Grofers
  • COUNTRY: India
  • CATEGORY: G3. Packaged Goods
  • AGENCY: Yellow Dress Retail


  • Creative Director: Michelle Romeo-Wiegman
  • Designer: Quino van Schaik

Grofers is a low price online supermarket in India. It offers fresh produce, pet care products, bakery products, meats, and others. The company was founded in 2013 and is based in Gurgaon, India. It was asked to develop a sub-branded Private Brand under the store brand G(rofers),

The Private Label range had to be developed with respect for the current evolution phase status of Private Label in India.

The Private Label range is specially designed for online only. The online package design has to meet specific requirements to work in this format. It explains the clear and non-cluttered hierarchy as the presentation of the pack online, works in a completely different way in comparison with a normal grocery store or supermarket.

The online consumer response to the pack design, structure and hierarchy was tested featuring neuroscience research.

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