Uniquely J Snack Nuts

  • RETAILER: Jet.com
  • COUNTRY: United States
  • CATEGORY: G3. Packaged Goods
  • AGENCY: Elmwood Design Inc.


  • Brand Manager: Jamie Krusewicz Jet.com & Jet.com Private Brand Team
  • Elmwood Design Inc.
  • AD: Samantha Barbagiovanni
  • Designer: Tet Marti
  • Illustrator: C.M. Butzer

SUMMARY: Uniquely J has a great opportunity to push the boundaries by using packaging as a canvas to emote a unique tone of voice. Is there a better category than snack nuts to go nuts in? The snack nuts leverage the opportunity to take animals from the wilderness and have some fun with them leading the consumer on a quirky journey.

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