Personnelle LIV Menstrual Products
RETAILER: PJC Pharmacies Jean Coutu
AGENCY: Cabana Séguin
CATEGORY: Health Care
Client: PJC (Metro) Supplier: Laboratoire Claripharm (boxes) / Atico (bottle label) Director (Metro): Marie Horodecki-Aymes Brand Manager (PJC): Anne Beaulieu Creative Agency: Cabana Séguin Inc. Creative Director: Sandrine Henkinbrant Art Director: Sandrine Henkinbrant Graphic Designer: Stéphane St-Denis Production Director: Marc Dufresne Account Manager: Andrea Lange Prepress: N/A Prepress handled by printer Printers: BOXES: Laboratoire Claripharm / Offset / Glossy Spot Varnish and Matte Varnish • BOTTLE LABEL: Guandong Dimai Intelligent Identification Co., Ltd. / Flexography / Glossy Spot Varnish and Matte Finish)