Life Smart organic Chocolate fudge and bars
Country: Canada
Category: Organic and Natural food
Agency: Pigeon / Life Smart Organic
Credits: Marie Horodecki-Aymes, Director, Design & Packaging, Metro s.e.n.c. Éric Gagnon, Design and Branding Creative Direction Manager, Metro s.e.n.c. Marie-Pierre Goyer, Account manager, Pigeon Jessika Neal, Art Director, Pigeon Talyanne Bélanger, Designer, Pigeon, Philippe Morin, Production director, Pigeon Marie-Eve Grégoire, Retouching, Pigeon Fudge bars: Alain Sirois, Photography; SGS, Prepress; Paperworks Kitchener, Printer Chocolate bars: Dana Dorobantu, Photography; Aliments Midlon, Prepress; Van Lijsebetten, Printer